The new Lake Travis Library on Lohmans Crossing in Lakeway is about to open. Photos here of the groundbreaking on April 25, 2013 show Library President Carol Black and Library Director Morgan McMillan speaking of the task ahead. In fact, the library began years earlier with the campaign and voter-approved sales tax to fund the project.
The series of photos shot from the same spot show each months construction progress from July through December. It was mid-December with construction nearly complete when Morgan McMillan gave me a "sneak peek" in the new facility. Wow, was I impressed! Read the whole article at The new library includes two community rooms, an extensive audio/video section, a special room for teens, a childrens' room and an outdoor ampitheatre for lectures and musical performances.
I think the community will be proud of our new Lake Travis Community Library. Congratulations and well done, Carol and Morgan!
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